The Standing Committees shall be in charge of the study and report of routine business of the calendar, especially in the legislative and oversight functions. The President of Congress, in coordination with Parliamentary Groups or upon consultation with the Executive Council, shall propose the number of Standing Committees in correspondence with the Executive departments. Notwithstanding this, the following committees shall always be established:
- Committee on Agriculture
- Committee on Science, Innovation, and Technology
- Committee on Foreign Trade and Tourism
- Committee on Constitutional Matters and Rules (item amended by Legislative Resolution No. 015-2003-CR, published on November 15, 2003)
- Committee on Culture, and Cultural Heritage
- Committee on Consumer Defense and Regulatory Agencies of Public Services
- Committee on National Defense, Homeland Security, Alternative Development and Fight against Drugs
- Committee on Decentralization, Regionalization, Local Governments and Modernization of State Management
- Committee on Economy, Banking, Finance and Financial Intelligence
- Committee on Education, Youth, and Sports
- Committee on Energy and Mines
- Committee on Oversight and Control
- Committee on Social Inclusion and Persons with disabilities
- Committee on Intelligence
- Committee on Justice and Human Rights
- Committee on Women and Family
- Committee on Budget & General Account of the Republic
- Committee on Production, Micro and Small Business, and Cooperative Banks (item amended by Legislative Resolution No. 009-2007-CR, published on October 17, 2007)
- Committee on Andean, Amazon, African Peruvian peoples, Environment and Ecology
- Committee on Foreign Relations
- Committee on Health and Population
- Committee on Labor and Social Security
- Committee on Transportation and Communications
- Committee on Housing and Construction
Other congressional committees shall be made up based on the different departments in charge of the Government Departments, and other matters relevant for the nation.
- (Subparagraph amended. Congress Resolution Nº 001-2001-CR, published on August 8th, 2001).
- (Subparagraph amended. Congress Resolution Nº 001-2002-CR, published on August 7th, 2002).
- (Subparagraph amended. Congress Resolution Nº 001-2003-CR, published on August 6th, 2003).
- (Subparagraph amended. Congress Resolution Nº 001-2005-CR, published on August 6th, 2005).
- (Subparagraph amended. Congress Resolution Nº 025-2005-CR, published on July 21st, 2006).
- (Subparagraph amended. Congress Resolution Nº 001-2006-CR, published on August 6th, 2006).
- (Item amended. Congress Resolution Nº 001-2006-CR, published on August 6th, 2006).
- (Item amended. Congress Resolution Nº 001-2011-CR, published on August 7th, 2011).
(Article amended by the Plenary of the Congress on March 06th, 1998)
Committee Department